10 Important Questions And Answers For Fitness Trainer Exam

These are the 10 Most Important Questions And Answers For Fitness Trainer Examination from Nervous System.

Q1. In how many parts nervous system is divided?
Ans. Two

a)Central nervous system b)Peripheral nervous system
Q2. In how many parts central nervous system is divided?
Ans. Two a)Brain b) Spinal cord
Q3. How many parts of the peripheral nervous system?
Ans. Two a)Sensory nerves b)Motor nerves
Q4. Which is the largest part of the Brain?
Ans. Cerebrum
It is divided into four lobes. The frontal lobe, parietal lobe, Occipital lobe, and Temporal lobe
Q5. What is the function of the Cerebrum?
Ans. It helps in the storage of memory, intelligence, visual processing, emotions, and proprioception.
It controls most of the activity of the body.
Q6. Which part of the brain is known as the little brain?
Ans. Cerebellum.
Q7. What is the work of the cerebellum?

Ans. It coordinates movement, posture, and balance.
Q8. What is the function of the Brain stem?
Ans. Brainstem connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord. It is responsible for functions like blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, etc.
Q9. Where is the spinal cord situated in the body?
Ans. It is inside the vertebral column. It is a bundle of nervous tissue. It carries signals.
Q10. How many types of nerves are in the peripheral nervous system?
Ans. Two

Sensory nerves – they carry signals from the body towards the brain.

Motor nerves – they carry signals from the brain to body.

25 Important Questions And Answers For Fitness Trainer Exam

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