10 Lines on Honesty is the Best Policy |150 words Essay on Honesty


‘Honesty is the best policy’ is the well known and famous proverb. Our elders and teachers since childhood instill this value of honesty to us.

These are the 10 Lines on ‘Honesty is the Best Policy’ in English for students and children( 150 words).

1. It is very true that Honesty is the best policy.

2. Honesty is the most important quality of a human being.

3. It includes being truthful, sincere and loyal.

4. We inherited quality of being honest from our parents and family.

5. Our school and society also play an important role for instilling this value in us.

6.   Honesty makes a person fearless and courageous.

7. An honest person has nothing to hide and lives a guilt free life.

8.  An honest person doesn’t tell lie to hide something.

9. Being honest is difficult but not impossible.

10.  An  honest person is liked and trusted by everyone.

5 Lines on Honesty is the Best Policy |50 words Essay on Honesty

These are the 5 Lines on ‘Honesty is the Best Policy’ in English for students and children for class KG, LKG,1 and 2 ( 50 words).

  1. Honesty is the best moral value.
  2. We should instill this value in our children since their childhood.
  3. An honest person doesn’t speak a lie.
  4. An honest person is sincere and fearless.
  5. Everyone trusts the honest person.

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5 Lines on ‘Honesty is the Best Policy’

150 words Essay on Honesty

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