10 Lines Essay,  5 Lines Essay,  English,  Essays

10 Lines on Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb | 150 Word Essay on Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb

These 10 lines on Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb in English are for students and children for classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and competitive exams(junior and senior classes).

  1. Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb comprise two monuments. One is the mosque and the other is the
    tomb of Jamali.
  2. It is located in the Archaeological Village complex in Mehrauli, Delhi, India.
  3. “Jamali” was a renowned Sufi saint known as Sheikh Jamali or Jalal Khan.
  4. The mosque and the tomb were constructed in 1528-1529.
  5. These two monuments are adjacent to each other and their names are tagged together as
    “Jamali Kamali”.
  6. It is in an enclosed garden area, built in red sandstone with marble embellishments.
  7. It has a prayer hall, a long courtyard, and five arches with the central area only having a dome.
  8. The tomb is a decorated 7.6-inch square structure with a flat roof.
  9. The monument has a very serene atmosphere.
  10. The Archaeological Survey of India looks after the conservation of monuments.


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