These are the 10 lines on cow in English for students and children in 100 words.
- The cow is a sacred animal in Hindu religion and worshipped.
- It is known as ” Gau Mata” in India.
- It is a domestic animal.
- The cow has four legs, two horns, and one tail.
- It gives us milk and many other products like curd, cheese, butter, sweets are made from its milk.
- The cow is a herbivore animal and it eats grass, fodder, bran or straw etc.
- The dung of cow is used as fuel, and manure.
- It is found in black, white and brown in color.
- Cow farming is done in many countries as it is very useful domestic animal.
- It is quiet in nature.
- The average life span of a cow is 20 years.
10 LINES ON COW( II set) 116 words
- The cow is a vegetarian animal.
- Cow farming in India has been going on since ancient times.
- The cow is a milking animal.
- We get protein and nutrients from cow’s milk.
- The Indian cow is considered to be the best breed cow in the world.
- The use of cow dung is considered good for agriculture, incense, and firewood.
- Because of giving so many benefits, the cow in India is considered venerable.
- Cows are found in white, black, brown, etc, colors.
- The cow eats grass, straw or bran, etc.
10.The cow is mainly a creature of quiet nature.
5 LINES ON COW 50 words
- The cow is a pet animal.
- It has two eyes, four legs, two horns and one tail.
- The cow is black, white and brown in color.
- It eats grass.
- The cow gives us milk that is very good for health.
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