What is a noun? | Types of Nouns with Examples
Here is the definition of Noun with types of nouns. Types of nouns are given with examples.
A noun is a name or word that identifies a person, place, animal, object, quality, and event. It is part of speech.
Here are some examples of nouns:-
For persons:- – Samantha, Honey, Mohan, Mary, doctor, teacher, man, woman.
For place: – United States, Texas, town, village, home, office, Delhi, Mumbai.
For things:- chair, table, computer, mango, car, book, pen, banana
For Feeling:- Happiness, Truth, Hate, Sadness
For animals and birds :- Cat, dog, sparrow, parrot, fish
Types of Noun
- Common Nouns
- Proper Nouns
- Concrete Nouns
- Abstract Nouns
- Countable Nouns
- Uncountable Nouns
- Collective Nouns
- Compound Nouns
What are Common nouns?
A common noun is a noun that refers to people, places, and things in general not by their names.
Examples of common nouns:- city, people, chair, man, teacher, village, Doctor, woman, girl, boy, birds, animal
What are Proper Nouns?
A proper noun is the name of any person, place, and thing.
Examples of proper nouns:- John, Mary, London, Monday, mother Teresa, Joe Biden, Russia, Delhi, Mohan,
Mary is my sister.
I live in Arizona.
I study at Yale University.
Mary, Arizona, and Yale University are Examples of proper nouns as they are the name of girl, place and university
संज्ञा क्या है?
संज्ञा एक नाम या शब्द है जो किसी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु, और भाव की पहचान करता है।
यहाँ संज्ञा के कुछ उदाहरण दिए गए हैं :-
व्यक्ति के लिए: – लता, कविता,सामंथा, हनी, मोहन, मैरी, डॉक्टर, शिक्षक, पुरुष, महिला
जगह के लिए: – दिल्ली, मुंबई,संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, टेक्सास, शहर, गांव, घर, कार्यालय
वस्तु के लिए:- कुर्सी, मेज, आम, कार, कलम, किताब, केला
भाव के लिए :- सुख ,सत्य ,घृणा ,दुख
जानवरों और पक्षियों के लिए :- बिल्ली, कुत्ता, गौरैया, तोता, मछली
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