10 lines on Nipah Virus| NiP Virus| 300 Words Essay on Nipah Virus

These are the 10 lines on Nipah Virus for students and children in English for the classes 5,6,7,8.9,10,11,12 and competitive exams.
- Nipah Virus (NiP) is a zoonotic virus that spread between animals and people.
2. It was first discovered in the year 1999, following an outbreak of the disease in pigs and people in Malaysia and Singapore.
3. Nipah Virus is a member of the family Paramyxoviridae, genus Henipavirus.
4. The fruit bat is the animal host reservoir for Nipah Virus. It is also known as flying foxes.
5. Infected fruit bats can spread the disease to other animals and people. If people come in close contact with an infected animal or its body fluids like saliva and urine.
6. When an infected animal spread the infection to a person, it is known as a spillover event. After that infection spread from infected animal to person, then person to person spread of NiV can also happen.
7. The symptoms of Nipah Virus infection vary from mild to serve. It can cause mild to serve disease, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and potentially death (40-75% cases).
8. Different types of tests are available to diagnose NiV infection. They are real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT – PCR) from nasal and throat swabs, cerebrospinal fluid (C. S. F), urine, and blood. After recovering from the infection, testing for antibodies is done by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
9. At present, there are no treatments available for Nipah Virus (NIV) infection. Treatment is limited to supportive care, including rest, hydration, and treatment of symptoms as they occur.
10. For prevention, you should wash your hands frequently with water and soap, avoid contact with sick animals especially pigs and bats, avoid consumption of raw dates pam sap, avoid contact with the blood or body fluids of any person known to be infected with NiV, avoid consumption of fruits that may be contaminated by bats and avoid areas where bats are known to roost.
In areas where Nipah virus (NiV) outbreaks have occurred (Bangladesh, Malaysia, India, and Singapore), people must follow the above-written guidelines for the prevention of the spread of the Nipah Virus.
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