15 Most important questions for an interview of Medical Lab Technicians | Medical Lab Assistants

These are the 15 most important questions answers about Differential Leucocyte Count that can be asked in interviews for Medical Lab Technicians/ Lab Assistants.
Question 1.What is the full form of DLC?
Answer:- The full form of DLC is Differential Leucocyte Count.
Question 2.How do we report Differential Leucocyte Count?
Answer:- We report Differential Leucocyte Count in the percentage of each type of cell.
Question 3:-How do we calculate the absolute number of cells?
Answer:- First we count each type of cells in 100 cells then we calculate in total leucocyte count and the result is reported in absolute numbers( 109/l).
Question 4.What are the Neutrophils?
Answer:- Neutrophils are white blood cells. They are more than half ( 40% to 80 %) of our circulating white blood cells. They are very important to protect ourselves against infections.
Neutrophils have an average diameter of 12 – 14 um. They have 3 to 5 lobes that are connected by chromatin strands and segmented nucleus. After staining, the cytoplasm of neutrophils is pale pink.
Question 5.What is the normal range of Neutrophils?
Answer:- Normal range :- 40 % to 80 %
Question 6. What are the Lymphocytes?
Answer:-A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cells. Most of the lymphocytes are equal to the size of a red blood cell. Lymphocytes have a dark nucleus with a thin rim of cytoplasm, occasionally containing scanty azurophil granules. Nuclei of lymphocytes are uniform in size and have homogeneous chromatin with some clumping at the nuclear periphery. The size of a lymphocyte is normally about 7-9 um. Some 10 % circulating lymphocytes are larger(10-15 um in size) with more abundant pale blue cytoplasm containing azurophil granules.
Question 7.What is the normal range of Lymphocytes?
Answer:- Normal range :- 20 % to 40 %
Question 8. What are the Monocytes?
Answer:- Monocytes are the largest in size among the circulating leucocytes. They are 15-18 um in diameter. The nucleus of the monocyte is large, curved often in the shape of a horseshoe. The nucleus of the monocyte never undergoes segmentation. They have bluish-grey cytoplasm that contains a variable number of fine granules.
Question 9.What is the normal range of Monocytes?
Answer:- Normal range :- 2 % to 10 %
Question 10. What are the Eosinophils?
Answer:- The size of Eosinophils is 12-17 um in diameter. They have mainly two lobes or segments. The cytoplasm is filled with orange-colored granules. The underlying cytoplasm that is hidden by orange-colored granules is pale blue.
Question 11. What is the normal range of Eosinophils?
Answer:- Normal range :- 2 % to 6 %
Question 12. What are the Basophils?
Answer:- Basophils are large, variable in size, and having blue-black granules of the cytoplasm. They obscure the nucleus.
Question 13. What is the normal range of Basophils?
Answer:- Normal range:- Less than 1%
Question 14. What is ANC?
Answer:- Absolute Neutrophil Count
Question 15. What is AEC?
Answer:- Absolute Eosinophil Count
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How to count Platelets by manual method using Improved Neubauer Chamber
How to count Total Leucocytes Count by manual method
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