25 Important Questions and Answers for Fitness Trainer Exam

What are the 25 most common interview questions and answers for Fitness Trainer Exam?

Q1. What is GPP?
Ans. General physical preparedness.
Q2. What is Biomechanics?
Ans. Sports movement analysis to minimize the risk of injury and improve sports performance.
Q3. What is a lever?
Ans. A lever system is a rigid bar that moves on a fixed point called the fulcrum when a force is applied
to it.
Q4. Which three things work together in a lever system?
Ans. Joint and muscles and bones.
Q5. What is the fulcrum in your body?
Ans. The point at which a bar or something that is balanced is supported.
Q6. How many types of levers?
Ans. Three types –
1st class lever
2nd class lever
3rd class lever
Q7. What is physiology?
Ans. It is the study of life, and how cells, tissues, and organisms function.
Q8. What are the components of the cardiovascular system?
Ans. Three
Heart, Blood, and Vessels.
Q9. What does the cardiovascular system?
Ans. It transports all nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body and carries deoxygenated
blood back to the lungs.
Q10. What are diseases of the cardiovascular system?

Ans. Heart attack, high blood pressure, and stork coronary artery disease.
Q11. What are bilateral and unilateral exercises?
Ans. Bilateral exercise:- – both limbs are used
Unilateral exercise:- each limb work independently
Q12. What is the isolation movement?
Ans. This targets a specific muscle group and makes use of only one joint.
Q13. What is structural movement?
Ans. Exercise that puts pressure on your spine. Primarily done in a standing position.
Q14. Which muscles are involved in back squats?
Ans. Quadriceps (front of the thigh) hamstrings (back of the thigh) Gluteus maximum, minimum, and mediums) buttocks calves.
Q15. Which muscles are involved in front squats?


  1. Which one of the following is an abnormal curvature of the spine?
    a. Lordotic
    b. Kyphotic
    c. Scoliosis
    d. None of these
  2. What are the functions of latissimus dorsi?
    a. Shoulder extension
    b. Shoulder adduction
    c. Both a & b
    d. None of the above
  3. Which one of the following addresses the shoulder adduction function of the latissimus dorsi?
    a. Wide group chin-ups
    b. Narrow grip chin-ups
    c. Wide grip bent over BBrous
    d. None of the above
  4. Which out of the following will offer the greater (EPOC)?
    a. Sumo deadlifts
  5. b. Back extensions
  6. c. Seated rows
  7. d. Wide grip lat pulldown
  1. Which function of the trapezius do the prone shrugs challenge?
    a. Elevation of scapular
    b. Retraction of scapular
    c. Depression of scapular
    d. None of the above
  2. In which of the following will the shoulder go through a maximum range of extension?
    a. Deadlifts
    b. Narrow grip lot pulldown
    c. Seated rows
    d. One arm DB rows
  3. Which one of the following is an isolation movement?
    a. A straight arm pulldown
    b. DB pullovers
    c. Bent over DB lateral rases
    d. All of the above
  4. Which one of the following is a straight-line movement?
    a. Wide grip chin ups
    b. One arm DB rows
    c. Sumo deadlifts
    d. All of the above

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