5 Most Important Questions For Interview of Lab Technicians From HbA1c test
Q1. What is the HbA1c test?
Ans. HbA1c is also known as glycated hemoglobin. It is the average blood sugar level for the last two or three months.
Q2. What is an ideal level of HbA1c for a diabetic patient? Normal range ?.
Ans. It is 48mmol/mol (6.5%) or below.
Q3. What is an HbA1c test in detail?
Ans. It measures the amount of blood sugar or glucose attached to your hemoglobin. That is why this test is known as the hemoglobin A1c test. The sugar or glucose in your body sticks to your red blood cells and remains in the blood. Your body can’t use the sugar properly. The life of red blood cells is approximately 120 days. So the test is ideal to do quarterly. Red blood cells have an important role to carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body.
Q4. What does an HbA1c test diagnose?
Ans. It tells how well your diabetes is being controlled and offers medication.
Q5. What is type 2 diabetes?
Ans. Type 2 diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot use sugar (glucose) properly as a fuel and it remains in the blood at more than normal value.
There are mainly two reasons for type 2 diabetes:-
- Your pancreas does not produce a hormone ‘insulin’ that is essential for the regulation and movement of sugar into your cells.
- This is adult-onset diabetes which is due to obesity, lack of physical exercise, and an unbalanced diet.