500 Words Essay on Save Water Save Life
Here is 500 words essay on Save Water Save Life for students and children in English

Water a precious gift
Nature has given a lot of gifts to mankind. One of its most precious gift to mankind is water. All living organisms need water for their survival on earth.
Water is the most important substance for existence of every human, plant, bird and animal.
Our human body is made of two third of water. A major part of water, i.e., 71% is present in the seas and oceans. Only a small amount of water that is 1.7% is present as groundwater which is drinkable. Rest of the water is present in the glaciers, ice caps and in the air in form of vapor, clouds and precipitation.
Abundant water is available on the surface of the earth. Therefore earth is also known as ‘Blue Planet’. This blue color appears due to suspended impurities within it.
Water is a colorless, tasteless substance on room temperature. It is a compound of two elements hydrogen and oxygen. It exists on earth in three forms solid, liquid and gas. The boiling point of water is 100 degree centigrade and freezing point is 0 degree centigrade.
Water contains no calories and is useful in losing weight. It regulates our body temperature and helps to perform metabolic tasks of our body.
Water is the most important substance on the earth. Apart from drinking, it is also need for our daily activities like cleaning, cooking & washing etc. It is the integral part of our agricultural and industrial activities.
Currently, we are facing severe problem of depreciation of water on the earth due to misuse of it. Many regions in the world are facing severe water scarcity due to decreased level of groundwater and scanty rainfall.
Urbanization, Industrialization & increased population are other factors responsible for scarcity of water. Groundwater has been over used. There are some areas which have drought like situation.
There is an urgent need to take actions to conserve water and use it wisely. So that we could save this valuable resource for today and for future generations.
We can conserve water by rain water harvesting, protecting our groundwater resources. Groundwater should not be get contaminated. We should use recycled water in agriculture for irrigation.
We should also save water in our home in daily activities like washing, gardening etc.

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