Essay on Farmer’s Suicide in India

India is an agrarian country with around 70% of its population directly or indirectly depending upon agriculture. There are 11.2% of farmers suicides out of overall suicides in India. Agriculture is the back bone of India society and primary sector.

Reasons of farmer’s suicide

There are a lot of reasons for committing suicides by our farmers. One of the top most cause is drought. As we all know that rain is the main source of irrigation of agriculture. When there is no sufficient rainfall, the crops get dried up and do not produce as much they do after getting sufficient rainfall. Agriculture is the only source of income for farmers and they have to face great losses due to drought. They face huge loss when their invested money goes in drain due to drought and there is no other way for them other than taking a loan to come out of this situation for their survival. They are trapped in a vicious circle of debt.

Essay on farmer’s suicide

Second reason is flood. Due to flood, the crops of the farmers are destroyed after excessive rain in a particular state. Farmers take huge amount of loan for growing crops in a hope that they will pay later for the same. But due to natural calamities like drought and flood, they fail to do so and do not have enough money to pay back their debts. They chose the path of killing themselves to overcome their problems as many a times they even fail to make their ends meet.

Farmer’s Suicide-Basic Facts

  1. Growing cost of cultivation.

2. Damaging of crops due to drought and flood.

3. Total dependence on monsoon.

4. Negligible profit on agricultural products.

5. Banks are hesitant in giving loan, so farmers are forced to take debt from money lenders on high rate of interest and are unable to pay the debt.

Government schemes to cure this problem

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana for promoting organic farming.

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana for insurance on crops.

Krishi Sinchai Yojana for proper irrigation facility.

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