Here is the method of doing the Pulse oximetry test, how pulse oximeter device work?
Pulse oximetry test is a painless test that is done with the help of pulse oximeter device. It measures your oxygen saturation level or the oxygen levels in your blood.
The pulse oximeter is a small and clip like device. This device is put on your finger. It can even detect small changes in how efficiently oxygen is being carried from heart to other part of body.
This device is used in critical care setting like emergency room, hospitals and by pulmonologists in their office.
During pandemic of SAR-2- COVID- virus or COVID- 19, the demand of Pulse oximetry test has been increased.
How Pulse oximeter device work?
When pluse oxymeter device is put on a finger, small beams of light pass through the blood in the finger. It measures the amount of oxygen. The pulse oximeter reading tells you oxygen saturation level along with your heart rate. This is a painless and noninvasive method to measure oxygen level with the help of this small clip like device.
Interpretation of Pulse oximeter reading
Normal :- An oxygen saturation level 95% for most of the healthy person.
Abnormal :- A oxygen saturation level 92% or less indicates hypoxemia or deficiency of oxygen.
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