1500 words Summary and Notes of The Invisible Man

Here is 1500 words summary and notes of “The Invisible Man” written by H.G.Wells for class 12 CBSE Board/ NCERT syllabus.
Writer of The Invisible Man:- H.G.Wells
Chapter 1- Strange Man’s Arrival
Characters: – 1. Mrs. Hall owner and attendant of coaches and horses inn.
2. Milli maid servant in the inn.
A stranger from Bramblehurst station arrived; face all bandaged, mysterious looking. Mrs. Hall allowed him to stay at the inn on pretend of big money offered.
Two request by the stranger-
- Room and Fire
- He did not want to be disturbed
- He wanted his luggage, lying at the station brought to the inn as soon as possible
Appearance:- The face was hidden with bandages all over it, he was wearing false pink nose and eyes were covered with dark glasses. He was wearing a hat and a long coat.
Chapter 2- Mr. Teddy Henfrey’s First Impressions
Characters: – Mr. Teddy Henfrey a clock jobber.
Clock jobber Teddy was asked by Mrs. Hall to repair the clock in the stranger’s room. Teddy was shocked and surprise to see the suspicious nature and strange looks of the stranger on his way back he detailed the scene to Mrs. Hall
On enquiring his wife, Mrs. Hall was told that stranger was experimental investigator and his luggage contained apparatus and appliances. Deliberately, Mr. Teddy took some longer time to repair the clock. Though it was a very small fault he intended to observe the activities of stranger which surprised him.
Chapter 3- The Thousand and One Bottles
Characters: – Fear inside a delivery man, cart driver and a dog owner.
Stranger’s luggage arrived, consisted of trunks, a bon of big and fat books, crates and cases, containing objects packed in straw and glass bottles.
Panic stranger came to help fear inside but unfortunately got bitten by his dog stranger went inside hurriedly and changed his trousers and gloves but he chased Mr. Hall away.
In the room the visitor examined the contents of the boxes. It included various bottles, test tubes and a balance.
Mrs. Hall was astonished to see the mess inside the room but the stranger reassured her that he would pay for any damage.
Chapter 4- Mr. Cuss Interviews the Stranger
Character: – Mr. Cuss General Practitioner, Mr. Bunting Vicar a care taker of church.
Mrs. Hall was trying to convince others that perhaps the guest had an accident and this had discolored his face and hands. The gossips in the air circulated about him that he might me be an anarchist and disguised himself or he was a person of supernatural suspicion.
General practitioner Cuss visited the man on the grounds that he was bitten by the dog and secondly collection donations for the nurse fund. Mr. Cuss was prying into stranger’s room and his belongings.
The invisible man surprised him with his hollow sleeves and a blow on his nose. Cuss ran haphazardly rushed to Bunting the Vicar who in turn did not believe him.
Chapter 5- the Burglary at the Vicar’s House
Characters: – Mr. and Mrs. Bunting.
Mrs. Bunting heard some noises outside her house, she woke her husband up they both went to their study downstairs. They were surprised to see the burning candles and missing sovereigns.
The couple tried to chase away the thief with a poker but to their amazement they could not find anybody.
Two pounds, ten and half sovereigns were stolen by the invisible man. The burglar had done his job and left the place unnoticed. Perhaps some invisible robber had robbed the house.
Chapter 6- The furniture that went mad
Characters: – Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Sandy Wargers- Black Smith, Hunter- General Shopkeeper
In the early morning hours, Mr. and Mrs. Hall woke up to start their daily routine.
Mr. Hall found the stranger’s door open but there was no body when Mr. and Mrs. Hall went upstairs, they heard the front door opens and shut and someone sneezing.
When they entered the stranger’s room, suddenly bed clothes gathered themselves together and then flung. Furniture started banging around stranger’s hat hopped of the bed post and dashed against Mrs. Hall face.
The couple assumed that the stranger had put ghosts and spirit into the furniture, villagers gathered after hearing the screams.
Millie was sent to inform Mr. Wargers the black smith who actually suspected the stranger as witchcraft.
Mr Hunter also joined them suddenly the door of the room upstairs opened and the stranger appeared and nobody cares to question him.
Chapter 7- The unveiling of the stranger
Characters: – Bobby Jaffers- Constable
The stranger shut himself in the room he rang the bell for food but got no response. Mrs. Hall was in a mood to bid him goodbye.
Visitor himself came out for food but on the contrary he was shown the bill.
Visitor assured that he had found some money and would happily pay. This caused a growing suspicion around him as the news of the burglary had already reached Coach and Horses.
In response to the enquiry sought about the money and tossed furniture stranger started speaking loudly, angrily and became violent.
Stranger started unveiling himself
- He removed his nose.
- He removed his spectacles
- He took of his hat and violently tore his bandages now he has a headless guest man stranger.
Constable Jaffers came to arrest the headless man but he got a slap in his struggle to catch hold of the culprit he sought Mrs. Hall help who in turn was kicked badly.
Stranger fought with the crowed took off all his clothes and became totally invisible. Jaffers fell with a thud and became unconscious who actually arrived to hand off the thief for burgulary.
Chapter 8- Intransit
Character: – Gibbons- Non professional expert in natural history.
Gibbons was lying on the spacious open downs he heard close to him the sound of a man coughing and sneezing and found nobody. Gibbons had no idea about the bizarre happening at the Inping.
The frightened man hurried down the hill towards
Iping- Gibbons could relate to the noises that it is moving towards the direction of adder dean.
Chapter 9- Mr. Thomas Marvel
Character: – Mr. Thomas Marvel
Mr. Marvel is a unique figure, bearded, plump and had short limbs
He wore shabby clothes funny silk that shoe laces as substitute for buttons he was a jolly old tramp, resource less and lives perhaps on charity.
He was a fickle minded person and loves to stay in the midst of nature.
At first, he did not believe the stranger’s presence but flying of stones proved that someone is around.
Invisible man through his voice cleans his doubt that he was real and solid and helps in getting clothes, shelter and other things.
Invisible man chose right person to get him help by convincing as well as threatening him of dire consequence.
Resources tramp easily submitted to the invisible man as he was a man of power.
Chapter 10- Marvel’s visit to Inping
There seemed a fainted memory left among inping people about the scientist.
About 4o’clock a stranger arrived in coach and horses. He smoked inside the inn but his grances contradicted his confidence.
The stranger vanished into the yard and reppeared after sometime with a big bundle in a blue table cloth in one hand and three books tied together with the Vicar’s braces in the other hand.
All his activities were keenly watched by Hunter, the shop owner. He grins suspicious about him that perhaps the man had stolen things. Before he could catch the thief, Hunter was knocked down by invisible force.
Chapter 11- In the coach and Horses
Mr. Cuss and Mr. Bunting with Mr. Hall’s permission were making a thorough examination of the man’s belongings.
They were trying to analyze the written material in the papers and notebooks but they had been Greek language used.
Suddenly bunting felt a strange feeling at the back of his neck. Cuss also gets horrified the invisible men had entered the room and had commanded them to obey him.
Invisible man demanded his belongings and clothes.
Invisible man took away the things from the room including Mr. Bunting own clothes while Mr. Bunting tries to cover himself with a newspaper.
Chapter 12- The invisible man loses his temper
While villagers including Mrs. Hall and Teddy were busy in discussion in the hotel bar they heard the shouting noises as hunter yelled out about a thief and ran after him.
People present in the inn started running after Marver thinking him as a thief who worked for the invisible man.
While the invisible man was making efforts to cover Marvel’s retreat. Meanwhile, Cuss came out of the room revealed that things had been stolen including Bunting’s clothes.
Invisible man started his naked dance again he had beaten people broken things and disappeared into thin air.
Filed Under :- 1500 words Summary and Notes of The Invisible Man
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