5 Most important questions of Keeping Quiet Class 12 English CBSE

These are the 5 most important questions of Keeping Quiet Class 12 English CBSE/NCERT.

Question 1) What will we achieve if we count up till 12 and stay still?

Answer) Counting up till 12 will help us achieve introspection and peace. In that very moment, we will forget the hustle bustle of life and all our problems. We will witness an exotic moment of peace and silence.

Number 12 may also signify 12 months of a year, 12 digits in a clock, and 12 working hours of a day.

Question 2) What will happen if men do not speak in any language or move their arms?

Answer) If men do not speak in any language or move their arms, then a moment of inactivity will be created. This means that discrimination, disputes, problems, inequality, and misunderstandings in terms of nationality and language will come to an end.

Question 3) What do the images of ‘fishermen’ and ‘men gathering salt’ imply?

Answer) The images of ‘fishermen’ and ‘men gathering salt’ imply all the harm that humans are causing to nature and to themselves. For instance, a fisheraen takes his boat/ship into deep sees in order to catch fishes. But he can also do the same at the shore without risking his life.

Similarly, a salt gatherer works regularly for hours without any concern for his broken, damaged and bruised hands.

Question 4) What kind of wars is the poet referring to in the poem?

Answer) The wars that the poet refers to in the poem are wars agitated by men against men and nature.  Chemical wars refer to wars where men create chemicals and nuclear weapons which pollute the environment and   have brought the nature to its dead end. These wars will destroy all the greenery and make the earth a dead planet.

Question 5) What is the theme of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’?

 Answer) The theme of the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ is that silence creates an exotic moment where one forgets one’s differences, wars come to a standstill and a feeling of brotherhood prevails. The poem also explains the necessity of introspection and how it helps to escape the hustle bustle of life. 

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Video credit Harshita Solanki

Video of summary of ” Keeping Quite”.

5 Most important questions of Keeping Quiet


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