These are the 5 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS OF “THE LAST LESSON” from Flamingo CBSE class 12 English.

Question 1) What had been put on the bulletin board?
Answer) Bulletin board was the board of bad news. It always had news of lost battles, drafts and orders from the commanding officer.
The latest information on the bulletin board was from a German ruler who ordered to ban the teaching of French in Alsace and Lorraine. He ordered that German should replace French.
Question 2) Why was Franz surprised by the school’s atmosphere on that day?
Answer) Franz was surprised by the unusual atmosphere of school on that day because on usual days the school began with a great bustle, there were noises of opening and closing of desks, noise of lessons being repeated in unison and teachers’ rulers striking against the table hard. But that day, everything was still and quiet as a Sunday morning. All his classmates were already in their place and M. Hamel pacing up and down with the ruler under his arm. At first, Franz was scared to enter the class but M. Hamel was unexpectedly kind and he was dressed formally. The whole school wore a strange and serious look and the back benches which were generally empty were occupied by the village people.
Question 3) Why were the backbenches occupied by the villagers that day?
Answer) The villagers occupied the back benches that day as a mar of respect for the teacher and their mother tongue. It was their way of expressing their guilt of not attending school as regularly as they should have. It was their only opportunity to thank their master for a service of forty years and to show their respect to their country.
Question 4) How does M Hamel arouse patriotic feelings in the people of Alsace?
Answer) M Hamel aroused patriotic feelings in the people of Alsace by making them conscious. He advised them to guard their identity and told them that France was the most beautiful language in the whole world. In the end, he wrote the words ‘Vive La France’.
Question 5) Is the story ‘The last lesson’ all about linguistic chauvinism? If yes, comment.
Answer) Yes, the story ‘The last lesson’ is all about linguistic chauvinism as in this story the Prussians are dominating the people of Alsace. They are also imposing their own language on the people of France which leads to loss of identity. Their own pride suppresses humanity to an extent that they are not able to respect and accept others’ language. This story highlights linguistic chauvinism in their language which also leads to political disturbances and wars all around the world.
Video on introduction and summary OF THE LAST LESSON CBSE/NCERT class 12 English
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