5 most important questions of ON THE FACE OF IT

These are the 5 most important questions of ‘ON THE FACE OF IT’ from Vistas Class 12 English of CBSE/NCERT syllabus in simple and easy notes.
Question 1. Why does Derek want to go back home as soon as he comes face to face with Mr. Lamb?
Answer. Derek climbs over the wall to enter Mr. Lamb’s garden hoping that it is empty. However, when Mr. Lamb startles him with his presence, Derek feels embarrassed at entering the garden without the owner’s permission. Moreover, he is afraid that like most other people, Mr. Lamb will also find his scary face repulsive. So he wants to go back as soon as he has come.
Question 2. Why do kids call Mr. Lamb ‘Lamey-Lamb’? How does he feel about it?
Answer. Mr. Lamb has an artificial leg of tin. His real leg had been blown off in a bomb explosion. Since he walks with a limp, children of the neighborhood call him Lamey-Lamb i.e. lame Lamb. Initially he must have felt bad but now he feels the name suits him and does not trouble him. He has got over with the upset.
Question 3. How have people been sermonizing to Derek about his burnt face? How does Derek feel about this?
Answer. Since Derek has a particularly low self-regard due to his burnt face, people have been advising him to brave his handicap and change his outlook. They have been advising him to take inspiration from those who are in pain but never cry and complain or feel sorry about themselves. He is also advised to look at those people who are more severely handicapped than he is- the blind, the born deaf, the mentally retarded and those confined to wheelchairs and think that he is more fortunate than them. Derek does not like this sermonizing for he feels that it, or for that matter anything else, cannot make his face change from an ugly one to a handsome one.
Question 4. Why does Mr. Lamb feel that Derek is not lost altogether?
Answer. Mr. Lamb has heard Derek only complain, bemoan and spitting hatred for himself. He does not seem to like anything or anybody. So, when Derek says that he likes when it is raining and hearing it pitter-patter on the roof, Mr. Lamb discovers that the boy has some interest in life and remarks, ’’So you’re not lost, are you? Not altogether?’’
Question 5. Why does Derek return to Mr. Lamb’s garden?
Answer. Derek returns to Mr. Lamb’s garden because he had promised that he would. Mr. Lamb had helped him rediscover himself and add a new meaning to his life. Now new Derek wants to leave his handicap behind and forge ahead in life and live it full. He feels that he is Mr. Lamb’s natural successor and has to carry on his mission.
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